Strawberry shortcake: Unaired Episode

{{note|NOTICE: this pasta has similarities to the "Cupcakes" pasta. So don't be all "HURR DURR YOU COPIED CUPCAKES". I just made this for fun.}}
Does anyone remember a show called "Strawberry Shortcake"? As a little girl, it was my favorite show. But one day, I went to a yard sale. The people selling the items at the yard sale set up a table that had the label "OLD DVDS". I excitedly rushed over to the table and scanned the stack until I found a dvd that said "STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE SEASON 1 + UNAIRED EPISODE". I was excited to see my favorite childhood show again. I asked the cashier (or Mrs. Govanaichia) how much the DVD cost, and to my suprise, she said it was free. So, I took the DVD home and inserted it into my dvd player. Once the DVD loaded, I instantly noticed something wrong.
It was the episode selection screen. All it showed was a crimson-redish background with white letters. There were 27 episodes (including the unaired one). The unaired one was called "Strawberry makes a cake". I watched all the episodes from season one. I then became curious about the unaired one.
Now, before I tell you what happened, I will tell you that I HAVE Heard about the "Lost Episode" creepypastas. I honestly didn't think they were real, until now...
The episode began with the normal, cheerful theme song. The episode title card then shows up, but it looked much different than other ones. This one looked like it was written by a 2-year old on a blackboard with a red marker. It stayed on the screen for about 10 seconds, and the only sound that could be heard was a faint music box playing in the background. The actual episode began with strawberry shortcake and Orange Blossom walking down the street. I noticed that the homes of the others were nowhere to be seen. There was no audio in this scene. After about 15 seconds of Orange and Strawberry talking to eachother, Strawberry immediately pulls out a candy, decorated and everything. Strawberry offers the candy, orange takes it, and swallows in one gulp. This is where things went off.
Orange falls to the ground, and a cut to static happens.
This next scene had audio, but the voice actors didn't sound like theirselves, as if they were about to scream.
Orange Blossom wakes up and starts screaming aloud. This happens for about 12 seconds. Suddenly, a medium-pitched voice squeaks out of the darkness. "Orange Blossom! wake up, sleepyhead!"
It was strawberry. Her hair was up in a bonnet, she had rubber gloves on and she was wearing an apron with what appeared to be... BLOOD STAINS?!?!!
Orange was tied down, arms and legs stuck together. She was only in a tank top and her underwear. There was a table behind strawberry, and it appeared to have a tray with sharp items, 4 needles, a permanent marker and a drill.
"S-Strawberry, W-where are w-we?" Orange Blossom trembled. "Why, we're in my basement!" Strawberry giggled. "I didn't think I needed to tell you that." "Why am I here?" "Oh. Well, you see, I was going to make Plum Pudding a birthday cake, but I ran out of a special ingredient." "Wh.. what 'special ingredient'?" "*giggles* YOU, Silly willy!" Orange starts trembling at this point. "Aw, poor Orange Blossom! Don't worry, it will be over before you know it!" "Strawberry?" "Yeah, Orange?" "What if the others find out?" "Nobody will find out. How long do you think I've been doing this?" "I... I wanna go home." "Yeah, I knew you would say that. I just wanna be a guest at the party, but Angel Cakes put me in charge of making the cake, so now, I have to do it. Well, let's get this over with!"
Strawberry picks up the permanent marker and draws a straight line across Orange's leg. Then she does something unspeakably awful.
Strawberry picks up a butcher knife, and lines it up with the black line. Strawberry then swings the knife in the air and hits Orange's leg. Orange screams in pain, and starts moaning. Strawberry smiles evilly, and swings the knife again, going deeper. A bone goes in sight, and blood pours out of Orange's leg. I had to pause and vomit...
I unpaused the episode. Strawberry ripped off Orange's leg, Orange goes unconscious from the amount of pain. A black screen is shown for 10 seconds. Suddenly Orange awakes, to see Strawberry smiling so big it streched to her eyes. Orange moans once again. Orange notices a pitcher full of her own blood. This is where Things got REALLY serious. "Strawberry, let me go!" "SHUT THE F... UP AND LET ME ROLL ON WITH THIS!" I couldn't believe strawberry actually SWORE in the episode.
Now Strawberry was drawing a line above Oranges belly button. I was shivering madly at this point.
Strawberry got a long, machete-like knife and stabbed orange where the line was. Blood and guts spattered all over the screen. Orange puked up stomach bile and passed out once more before nearly having a seizure. Strawberry cuts a square in her stomach and pulls off the skin. Her insides were drawn hyper-realisticly. Strawberry pulled out her intestines first, and wrapped one around her neck. "Hi, I'm Raspberry Torte! Isn't my new scarf SO pretty?" But Orange Blossom was already unconscious. Strawberry then picks up the drill and rams it into Orange's ribcage. She puts the drill down and rips out the ribcage. Blood flies everywhere. Orange gains conciousness. Strawberry then grabs her heart and rips it out of it's place, blood going all over the place. Strawberry picks up the ribcage and stuffs the heart and ribcage in a blender, along with all the blood in the pitcher. She closes the lid, and turns on the blender. As she turns around, she sees Orange's eyes slowly shut. "C'mon, Orange! Don't leave!" Strawberry cried. Orange's eyes had shut completely. She was gone forever. "I'm disappointed in you, Orange. I thought you would last longer. Oh well, at least we finally had our last moments together!" Strawberry turns back to the blender and turns it off as the episode fades to black.
I couldn't believe what I saw. How could, STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE, get away with murdering her best friend?! I actually had to see someone for this. I took the DVD out of the player, got the case and threw them in the trash. I must warn you, the DVD is NOT destroyed, and it's still out there, if you find the disc, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DO NOT WATCH THE DVD!!!